Ita  -  Eng

Rennovation of the building of the former Hotel Ange and connecting tunnel
Prestigious creations / villas and prestigious residences


Preliminary design, definitive, executive project and supervision






€ 3.850.000

Residential complex Ange - Courmayeur

The "Hotel de l'Ange”, one ofthe very first hotels built in Courmayeur. It was built at the end of the 17thcentury to welcome wealthy tourists who "passed the water” in the renowned spa atPré-Saint-Didier. Since its creation it has been considered a "maison de premierordre”– ‘first class place’ –equipped with comforts and services suitable towelcome the aristocrats of the time. In 1905 purchased and managed by thewell-known ‘Peraldo’ hotel family, it offered 110 beds in rooms with hotrunning water, a library, a recreational room, a large cafe, and a beautifulshady garden overlooking Mont Blanc. In front of it was a large chalet which,beyond serving as a tea room, was used to organise dance evenings and largeevents. It was acquired in the 90s, and its intended use was transformed into residentialand commercial. Part of it is owned by the Municipality of Courmayeur, whichtoday houses the headquarters and offices of the Courmayeur Foundation.

Currently it is a residentialcomplex, consisting of 21 apartments and five commercial shops. It was redeveloped,paying particular attention to the architectural aspect linked to its prestigiouspast reputation. The intervention involved the complete reconstruction of theroofs with a wooden supporting structure, the restoration of the plaster andthe complete repainting of the façades.

The external area of thesquare, the pavement and lining are constructed from ‘Cogne stone’, which integratesharmoniously with the front street, Via Roma, made of the same stone cladding.

To complete the redevelopmentof the renowned historic and touristic centre, beneath the Ange residence thereis a two-storey underground car park with 39 places. It can be accessed via aspecial ramp and connects to the central underground garage that is on ViaMarconi, also built by INART Studio, which has 116 spaces for residents.

Piazzetta Ange e accesso pedonale autorimessa interrata

Piazzetta Ange

Piazzetta Ange

Accesso pedonale tunnel collegamento

Planimetria garage sotteraneo Ange

Accesso veicolare tunnel di collegamento - Via Roma

Accesso veicolare tunnel di collegamento - Via Roma

Autorimessa interrata


Strada Margherita, 23A
11013 Courmayeur (AO)
T. +39 0165 84 66 83
F. +39 0165 84 63 63
P.IVA : 00143770071


Corso Lancieri, 2/E
11100 Aosta
T. +39 0165 84 66 83
F. +39 0165 84 63 63
P.IVA : 00143770071


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