It should be noted that the budget law for theyear 2018 provided for the possibility of gradually adapting existing hotelstructures already equipped with security measures to the fire regulations.The deadline for completing the adjustments, whichexpired on 31 December, was extended to 30 June 2019 only for hotels with morethan 25 beds existing on 9 April 1994 and in possession of the safetyrequirements set out in decree 16. March 2012 for admission to theextraordinary fire adjustment plan.The validity of the extension is subject to thesubmission to the Regional Fire Brigade Command by 1 December 2018 of thepartial SCIA, certifying compliance with at least four of the followingrequirements, as governed by the specific technical rules:
- structure resistance to fire
- material reaction to fire
- compartmentalisation
- corridors
- stairs
- lifts and elevators
- fire-fighting water systems
- exit routes for exclusive use, with the exclusion ofpoints where the reaction of materials to fire is expected
- exit routes for mixed use, with the exclusion ofpoints where the reaction of materials to fire is expected- storage rooms
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The Internal Min. Decree 03/03/2014, published in theOfficial Gazette no. 62 on 15/03/2014, updates the fire prevention provisionsfor the construction and operation of hospitality services, with particularregard to Title IV relating to Alpine huts, and sets the terms for compliancewith the new rules of the activities existing on 04/14/2014 (date of entry intoforce of the provision), as illustrated below.
EXISTING REFUGEES WITH A CAPACITY OF MORE THAN 25 BEDS– They must be adjusted by 31/12/2017 (term thus extended, most recently, byart. 5, paragraph 11-d, of the Legislative Decree "Milleproroghe"244/2016) , with reference to the following requirements of the new technicalregulation:
9 - Electrical systems
11.2 - Fire extinguishers,including point 26.3, letter h), where relevant;
13 - Safety signs;
14 - Security Management;
15 - Staff training;
17 - Safety Instructions.
The shelters in question must instead be adapted toall the remaining points of the aforementioned technical regulation by31/12/2019.
EXISTING REFUGES WITH A CAPACITY OF LESS THAN 25 BEDS –They must be adequate by 31/12/2019 with reference to all the requirements setout in the Technical regulation.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS – Within each of the indicateddeadlines, the SCIA must be presented pursuant to art. 4 of the PresidentialDecree 151/2011.
In addition, the project to be attached to the preliminaryapplication referred to in art. 3 of the same Presidential Decree 151/2011 mustindicate the works to adapt to the safety requirements listed above.
EXCLUSIONS – The adjustment obligation does not existif on the date of 14/04/2014:- the Certified Start of Activity Report has alreadybeen submitted pursuant to art. 4 of the Presidential Decree 151/2011;
- renovation or expansion works have been planned orare in progress, on the basis of a project approved by the competent ProvincialCommand of the Fire Brigade, pursuant to art. 3 of the Presidential Decree151/2011.
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The Revenue Agency, with a note last February, recallsthe obligation on the part of owners of rural buildings (and/or portions ofthem) to register their properties at the Building Cadastre.
Since the deadline for the registration on May 31,2013 has expired, the Provincial Offices – Territory are initiatinginvestigations, and when the obligated subject appears to be in default, they willproceed to the cadastral regularisation of the office property.
This entails, on the owner's behalf, the payment ofthe costs related to the cadastral practices performed IN ADDITION to theapplication of the penalties provided for by the law, ranging from €1,032 to€8,264.
To avoid these penalties, it is possible that theowner of the building(s) autonomously (though the technician in charge) and inthe shortest possible time, register with the land registry with a sanctionstill due but reduced to €172.
Our firm is at your disposition to check if yourbuilding is in the list of goods to be regularised and to complete the registrationprocess in the land registry if necessary, in order to avoid the increasedpenalties referred to above (charges for land registry + penalty €1,032 to€8,264).
For more information please contact our surveyor,Francesco Perrone, on 0165-846683.
The maxi-amendment to convert the "Decree of a thousandextensions” (244/2016) into law incorporates about 100 amendments approved by theInstitutional Affairs Committee. By clicking on the link you can view the mainmeasures adopted in the construction sector.
Attention: the deadline for the fire adaptation formountain refuges and some tourist-hotel accommodations has been extended to 31December 2017; in particular:•
with over 25 beds
• existing on the date of entry into force of theministerial decree of 9 April 1994 (which approved the technical fireprevention regulation for the construction and operation of tourist and hotelaccommodation)
• in possession of the requirements for admission tothe two-year extraordinary fire adjustment plan (approved by decree of theMinister of the Interior of 16 March 2012).
For information, it is possible to contact a surveyor atour offices, Marco D'Anna,on 0165-846683.
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Mariagrazia BarlettaSince1 July, a free application developed by theInland Revenue has been available which allows VAT numbers (businesses andprofessionals) to generate, transmit and store electronic invoices. The possibilityof some advantages from a tax point of view should also be underlined fortaxpayers who choose to use the electronic invoice, as well as for privatecustomers.
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Fire prevention professionals are at risk of beingsuspended from the lists for failure to make timely updates.The analysis of the updating of fire prevention professionalsconducted by the National Council of Engineers, updated on 9 June 2016 andtherefore approximately two months after the expiration of the first five-yearmandatory update, outlines the consistency of the lists of fire prevention professionals...
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"The ANAC guidelines for the assignment ofengineering and architecture services, implementing the Procurement Code, havenot defined the reward criteria to facilitate the participation of youngprofessionals and the methods for evaluating the assignments performed onbehalf of private clients.
At the same time, however, additional restrictionswere introduced on the assignment of the geological report and the barrier tothe technical score. It would not be possible to insert these rules, since theguidelines are not binding, but their task is to make the regulatory framework,which appears jagged and scattered, more harmonious.
These are some of the observations contained in the opinionthat the Council of State has recently issued."
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